Bring The Pain

Friday after some good rolls and a generally hard workout, I was sore but generally fine.  That night around 3:30 am, I woke with a searing pain in my right shoulder.  It was fine when I went to bed.  Anyways, It has been killing me yesterday and today.  So much so that I can’t lift my arm above shoulder hight laterally or forward without wincing.  This sucks!  Just one more thing that I need.  Grrr…  I’ll have to put my wolverine transformation and BJJ training on hold for a bit.  There’s no way I can train with any weight or intensity.

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Is using that title copywrite infringement? The last few days has been just that.

I’ve been really happy with my BJJ lately. Currently I feel as though I am improving with every class. I am starting to see a couple moves ahead, and my set ups are working a little better. On the bottom I feel like I am moving well and able to get out of or reverse bad positions. Classes have been larger so there have been plenty of people to roll with.

I have been jonesin’ for a good ski day like you wouldn’t believe. I had it all planned out to go yesterday. Sunday night it was snowing like a son of a bitch, so I packed up my fat skis. When I got on the road at 7am, I realized that the drive was not going to be easy. As it turns out, the plows had yet to clear the roads. They were BAD! It took me 1 hour to drive 30km. At that point I realized, I wasn’t going to make it. So I turned around and went home. 2 hours for a 60km drive and no ski ski. 😦

In the last week or so, my back has been feeling a little jinkity-janked. I should not have ignored it and gone to the chiropractor to get realigned. Today, while doing warm up sets of deadlifts, it went. I had to call in sick to work and spent the rest of the day on the couch with an ice pack. It hurts to breath let one walk. The chiropractor tells me that the muscles are so tense, he needs to give it a day or two before his work will really make a difference. I was supposed to have a BJJ seminar and tournament this weekend… Doesn’t look good.

Gosh Dang It All To Heck!

My arm is KILLING ME!!!

In a previous post I mentioned how I injured my arm at an in-house tournament.  Well, that was October 30, 2013.  Today is January 15, 2014…  IT STILL REALLY HURTS.  What the heck is going on?  Do I have a broken arm or what?  It’s really hard to grip the gi.  I can barely wipe my bum bum with that arm.  I’d go to the doctor, but you know…

I wish it would get better.

That Old Familiar Feeling & Jonesin’ For A Ride

It’s kind of funny having a blog about multiple topics.  I mean, I know that it is about me and my thoughts, but thinking of things to write about when I have multiple topics is a bit distracting.  What I mean is, I write about one BJJ and I have skiing on my mind.  Or I write about skiing and I have new submissions I’d like to try on my mind.  I think I may be a little ADD…

January 6, 2013 Training Journal

We started BJJ class with a new lockflow containing several new techniques (to me).  I like them.  Particularly a single leg pick up to overhead slam.  I know I will never use this in competition, but I still really like it.  One area of concern to me was my transitioning from side control to knee on belly.  I’ve never been very good at it.  I just can’t hop up fluidly like one should.  At least this will force me to practice it.  We also did a little reviewing of an older lockflow.  I really like doing something that I am good at after learning something new.  Makes me feel good about the whole learning process.


Round 1

  • I was moving fairly well
  • I was able to anticipate the attacks of my opponent well
  • I had a few reversals/sweeps
  • Spent a bit too much time muscling my way through the match
  • I could have been infinitely more aggressive instead of defensive
  • I tapped to a toe hold without trying defend, not playing with those right now

Round 2

  • Kind of stuck in guard
  • I was very defensive
  • Didn’t get any submission attempts in
  • Opponent had me off-balance most of the time
  • Defended all submission attempts
  • Although they were ugly, I had a couple of reversals/sweeps

Round 3

  • I was able to pass guard well
  • I was on the offensive most of the time
  • I was able to trap/isolate the arm several times
  • I had several effective fakes which led to a head and arm choke submission

During the second half of round 3, I was working on sweeping from guard and my knee popped.  I stopped immediately to try to remedy the situation.  Basically what I do is force myself to straighten it all the way.  Eventually I feel the clunk and it resets.  There is an immediate relief from the pain.  I hope the Dr calls soon.  I need to get that cartilage fixed ASAP!

One thing to take away

I need to start focusing on passing guard.  I get stuck there way too often.



Since I returned from Whistler, all I can think about is the mountains.  I am totally preoccupied with them.  From looking at new ski gear, to searching for ways to make more money to allow more trips, to looking for affordable homes in my favourite skiing destinations…

Its kind of funny that my knees are all fucked up, but I still want to be out there taking face shots of fresh powder.  I’d really like to get in to ski touring.  However, living in the flat part of the country doesn’t make this easy.  I’ve done a little looking around for areas within a reasonable distance from me.  Maybe…