Muay Thai

I trained Muay Thai tonight for the first time in a really, REALLY long time. It sure showed.  It was expected, but I was still a little embarrassed.  My feet are raw and really hurt from pivoting. My calves are killing from being on the balls of my feet for an hour and a half.  Lol. Ughhhh!

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Jan 11-16 I was in Whistler BC.  An annual ski trip that I take with a group of… gentlemen.  The conditions were fabulous.  Tons of snow the first 2 days and then blue bird the last 2.  Here’s some pics.

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This Week in BJJ

This happened on Thursday.

Yes that’s the first stripe on my purple belt. I only got the gosh darn thing on September 30. Plus I was out for 2 months with the hip flexor injury. I feel like it came too fast. Oh well. Best just go with the flow I guess. I’ve been teaching a bit. I like it. I’m able to do more of what I want to work on. We have several new white belts, so I’m going to have to start planning 2 small lessons. I know it’s always good to work on basics, but the vets need new things to try/learn as well. It’s just another challenge. 🙂  I think there’s an art to teaching. I seem to be good at it. Probably because of my experience teaching skiing and Muay Thai.

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